Have you seen these two people?

Have you seen these two people?

Durban police have two important alerts out. One is for a man wanted in connection with a recent rape in the Berea area, while the second is for info about a missing Chatsworth teen.

missing two
If you live in the Greater Durban area the police need your help to try and trace a man (pictured) who's wanted in connected with a recent rape in Durban.  We have an identikit on the ECR site, of a man who looks to be in his early twenties. A 24-year-old woman was raped and strangled outside a deserted bowling club in Gladys Manzi Road (formerly Dartnel Cresent) in the early hours of the morning of December the 27th. Constable Dlani can be reached on 031 325 4116/ 079 812 0486 or Crime Stop number on 08600 10111.   

Chatsworth police are appealing for help in locating a 17-year-old girl (pictured above) who's been missing since December. Sersheni Naidoo was last seen in the Chatsworth area. If you have any information please contact SAPS Chatsworth or W/O Simeon on (031) 451 – 4267 / 083 375 1901 /  072 214 7439.

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