How many watermelons do you see?

How many watermelons do you see?

There can only be one correct answer! How many watermelons are there? 


So this weekend this picture of these watermelons was all over social media with the question “How many full watermelons are there?”

I say 5 watermelons and here’s why:

See the 2 ¾ watermelons on the right? 

If you cut the half between them in halves it makes quarters and you use those to fill the ¾ watermelons. We then do the same to the left, and we’re left with 2 halves which then make 5 watermelons.

But I’ve seen so many different answers to this question. I’ve seen 3, 8 and 2 as answers.

What do you say? How many watermelons are there?


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