You just can't make this stuff up: A drunk man joins his own missing person's search party

You just can't make this stuff up: A drunk man joins his own missing person's search party

Imagine that? 

You just can't make this stuff up: A drunk man joins his own missing person's search party
Unsplash Website

We cannot imagine what it must be like looking for someone who has gone missing. The emotions and the feelings of despair must be overwhelming. Not to mention the thoughts that you go through, thinking about the what ifs...

But then we see a story such as this and realise that that's why we have humour in life, because without it where would we be? Don't answer that if you are in a mood today... we want to enjoy this moment. 

Beyhan Mutlu, a 50-year-old who is living in Inegol in the northwestern province of Bursa, Turkey, was reported missing on Tuesday. He went out drinking with some friends and wandered off into the nearby forest. 

When he did not return, his friends got worried and alerted the authorities. They consequently began a search and rescue mission and volunteers from the neighbourhood got together to help look for him. 

Funnily enough, Mutlu joined the search mission as well and searched for hours with the rest of the community volunteers. Of course, he did not know that he was the one that everyone was searching for...

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"This search party was calling out Mutlu’s name for hours when suddenly a man from within the group spoke up and reportedly said: ‘Who are we looking for? I am here.'  It is not clear how Mutlu found himself in his own search party or how his friends didn’t realise that he was there, but police were luckily able to safely escort Mutlu to his home. It is not clear if he will face a penalty or not." (MSN)

The police were able to return him home safely. He was, however, afraid about returning home, saying that he may get into trouble with his family...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website 

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