Woman stranded in bush survives on wine and sweets

Woman stranded in bush survives on wine and sweets

The first thing she asked for when she was found was water and a cigarette...

Photo of wine bottle with candy
Photo of wine bottle with candy/Pexels

A woman who set off on a short trip through the Victorian State bush ended up getting stranded for five days. 

After taking a wrong turn, she ended up in a dead end and her car got stuck in the mud. 

Makes you think about what taking a wrong turn can turn into, doesn't it?

All the 48-year-old woman had in her car was wine and sweets...

Lilian Ip doesn't drink but "had a bottle of wine in the car as she was planning to give it as a present. As she lost hope of being found alive, she wrote a letter to her family saying she loved them." (BBC News)

She thought that she was going to die out in the bush, and was about to give up. And then she was found during an overheard search. She was found 60km from the nearest town, and was unable to walk due to her health conditions. 

It is a true sentiment that you do what you have to to survive, as Ms Ip doesn't drink alcohol but survived on the wine and some sweets. 

"She only had a few snacks and sweets to eat, and no water. The only liquid Lillian, who doesn't drink, had with her was a bottle of wine she had bought as a gift for her mother so that got her through," Wodonga Police Station Sergeant Martin Torpey said. (BBC News)

And the first thing she asked for once she was rescued was a cigarette and water. Thankfully a policewoman helped her out. 

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WATCH short snippets from her rescue, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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