Website goes viral for writing full articles and papers in seconds

Website goes viral for writing full articles and papers in seconds

Is this not considered plagiarism? 

White and blue butterflies on head to represent AI tech
White and blue butterflies on head to represent AI tech/Pexels

We live in the age of technology, a world that has welcomed the so-called matrix into our homes willingly. 

The aftermath of this will only be seen in the long run, but for now we are all quite content living within this realm of ease and convenience. 

Not only has Artificial Intelligence (AI) reigned in music, personal assistance, and customer service, it has now gone viral for writing your work out for you. 

A website by the name of Writely has gone viral for announcing its remarkable (but questionable) services on social media. 

Writely offers writers the service of writing papers and articles for them. All they have to do is start and the website will use an algorithm to write the full article. 

And like most things in life, the speed and accuracy has added to its appeal. 

Check out their video below that went viral, courtesy of TikTok

@writelyai No more wasting time writing😅 #blogging #bloggingtool #marketing #blogger #article #writingtool #AI #blog #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #SEO ♬ Con una Prima Déjame Revisarte el Celular 2 - Ingrid Laien & Los del fino

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Now, as much as this may sound truly appealing to many, we think it is quite questionable. 

Does the work then get credited? Because essentially you are not the author of the writing, and those words are not your own. 

Which leads us to the conclusion that this is some form of plagiarism...

What happened to authentic content? Content that comes from a person's point of view. As much as AI tech comes with a range of pros, we don't think that this website is something that should be easily accessible to everyone. 

Especially considering students could easily pay for a plan and have their work completed for them. Where's the learning in that? 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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