WATCH: Woman blows our minds with the truth about social media

WATCH: Woman blows our minds with the truth about social media

We know that social media isn't real, for the most part, but this is crazy!

Woman with flawless skin
Woman with flawless skin/TikTok screenshot/@missmimiwebb

We live in a world where social media drives our actions and our reactions. 

A world that is governed more now than ever by flawless skin and make-up trends. Where young people base their looks and identities on what they consume on social media. 

And that is the most disappointing thing ever. The consumption patterns have resulted in mental health issues and a society that feels they are not worthy. 

Miranda Mimi Webb shared a video that showed that beauty is skin-deep indeed. 

She is a co-founder of Forte Faces, and her business deals with Botox, fillers, and other skincare treatments. 

Knowing this about her actually shocked us as we don't generally expect a woman that condones the use of beauty products that are cosmetic to show her real side. 

But it seems that by posting her true self to the world on her social media, she actually sent a powerful message about what she stands for. 

WATCH the video she posted below, courtesy of TikTok

@missmimiwebb #greenscreenvideo ♬ original sound - Mimi

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What we do love about what she was trying to do is that she is spreading the message that it's okay not to conform the standards of beauty from social media. 

Being part of the cosmetic industry herself, she feels pressure to keep up with a standard of looking perfect. 

It is a concept that doesn't exist, and no one should feel that kind of pressure, because social media isn't real. 

Beauty constructs are just that, a construct of something that is an ideal but nothing close to reality (for the most part).

WATCH her video response sharing some insight into why she made the video. Courtesy of TikTok

@missmimiwebb Replying to @Gabrielle Hetzel ♬ original sound - Mimi
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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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