WATCH: What would you do if someone did this to you whilst grocery shopping?

WATCH: What would you do if someone did this to you whilst grocery shopping?

We don't think we would be as silent as some people...

Basket bassinet business cart
Basket bassinet business cart/Pexels Website

It's sort of a love/hate relationship when it comes to TikTok trends. 

Just as you get note of one, another one comes creeping up behind you...

So if you are committed then you have to be on the ball.

Now this one was authentically South African, and we have to appreciate the originality (to some extent). 

It was most likely done somewhere else at some point: When people follow a candid camera-style trend of shopping out of other people's shopping trolleys. 

We have seen other videos of a woman walking around popular retail stores looking through other people's carts and taking stuff out and casually walking off. 

Of course there is an unspoken rule of thumb when it comes to shopping - you don't touch another person's trolley. 

But when you are pressed for time, sometimes looking over someone else's trolley can save you time...

So it was humourous to note that the caption on this version of the video read: "One day they will hit me..." 

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WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok


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Image Courtesy of Pexels Website

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