WATCH: Riders stranded on a rollercoaster 42m up for more than two hours

WATCH: Riders stranded on a rollercoaster 42m up for more than two hours

Where is Spider-Man when you need him?

WATCH: Riders stranded on a rollercoaster 42-meters up for more than two-hours...
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When we heard about the stage two load shedding that was being implemented on Saturday, it didn't come as a complete shock, considering we have been through this before. 

But when we heard this story, it got us thinking about the craziest places that we have ever been during a power outage. Normally, when people go through to a theme park or amusement park, they know that there is a chance that they will come out of some of the rides with a rush, a head rush...

But this was for other reasons.

Due to a power outage at the Universal Studios Japan in Osaka, 35 riders were left stranded on a rollercoaster, 42m up, some were even left upside down. 

Not ideal for even the most thrilling of thrill-seekers. "Some of the riders, per Sky News, were left hanging upside down for that length of time. Staff at the theme park evacuated the riders through an emergency passageway." (Business Insider)

The Hollywood Dream-The Ride, wasn't really a dream for the riders as they were stuck for around two hours. But thankfully there were no injuries and all the riders were safe and sound after walking down the evacuation staircase. 

Watch the video footage below and get an inside look from one fo the passengers by clicking here!

Check out a review on the ride below (courtesy of YouTube):

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Image Courtesy of Twitter

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