WATCH: Pixel the cat is reminding us that every smile is beautiful

WATCH: Pixel the cat is reminding us that every smile is beautiful

A cat named Pixel has a smile that looks both creepy and funny at the same time...

Pixel the cat shows us that smiling is the only way

We can't firmly say that this cat named Pixel doesn't freak us out a bit, but we can firmly say that his smile has some cute goofiness to it. Pixel and his sister Sophie are internet sensations and have a following on their social media channels. 

They have a Facebook page, an Instagram account, and even their own TikTok page. Talk about living up the social life. These cats have more of a following that many celebrities. No shade, just saying!

Pixel's owner, Alyson Kalhagen, said that he has a fun personality and is happy to make funny faces for his social media influencer lifestyle. 

She also said that she noticed from a young age that he enjoyed being photographed. A star in the making. He seems like a really fun cat to be around. With all the faces comes some sense of comedy.

Many people find his faces to be funny. But we must admit at first glance he does have a bit of a daunting look. But his fans couldn't disagree more with us. Some of them have said things like: "His smile always makes me happy." While another person said: "I needed to see that happy face today!" 

And after checking out his funny faces and fanged smile, we have to agree that he has something special. He seems like an entertainer at heart and believe it or not, has taught us something. No matter how you look, your smile is the most beautiful thing to share with the world. 

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Facebook

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