Sorry, Vic Naidoo, you cannot buy a Smeg kettle for R60!

Sorry, Vic Naidoo, you cannot buy a Smeg kettle for R60!

It's all a...

Sorry Vic Naidoo, you cannot buy a Smeg kettle for R60!

If you didn't already know that Vic Naidoo loves Smeg, then you have been living under a rock, but we forgive you for coming here first. Prioritising is important...

So when he saw the ad doing the rounds on social media, advertising a Smeg kettle for R60, of course it caught, or should we say grabbed his attention. But like with many things on the internet, it sounded too good to be true...

As a fan of the brands, it was obvious that trust was a given (at first glance), because both Takealot and Smeg are reputable brands. However, it always, always pays to take a closer look, especially before taking out your wallet or purse. 

The below image that has been circulating over Facebook and Twitter is a scam. The post was a scam and the intention behind it was to drive clicks to a reviews website. 

"Which in turn have affiliate links to the likes of Amazon, which will earn that webpage cash if anyone buys a hairdryer based on its recommendation." (Business Insider)

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"The biggest clue that gave off red flags, "lies in the fact that the advertisers – who sometimes claim to be Takealot itself – apparently don't know that South Africans tend to put the "R" for "rand" in front of the numerals, not after." (Business Insider)

We could not find these ads on Facebook to show you, as these were sponsored content, which appears on your timeline. So take it from us, please don't click.

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Image Courtesy of Twitter

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