Science has proven which television show is the funniest on the planet

Science has proven which television show is the funniest on the planet

When you're watching your favourite show, are you really laughing out loud or do you just blow air out of your nose?

LOL television

Have you ever watched a comedy series that's supposed to be hilarious, only to find yourself a tad disappointed?

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Or have you thought about the fact that when you first watch a funny series you find yourself laughing along, but when you watch it again, you still find it funny but no longer lol-funny?

Well, it turns out there are quite a few shows that still have the ability to make people burst out in fits of laughter.

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Researchers wanted to determine what the funniest show on the planet is, so took 120 people and literally made them watch the top 10 funniest sitcoms.

They sourced the television shows after conducting a survey with over 2,700 sitcom fans and the study recorded the number of times a person would laugh during an episode.

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Volunteers watched the episodes in perfect quality, with headphones while sitting close to a high-quality microphone.

It only recorded laughs that reached over 60 decibels (so no silent laugh or nose-blows were recorded).


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Finally, one sitcom reigned supreme and that was the American version of 'The Office', with one minute and 45 seconds of giggles every hour, followed by cop comedy show, 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'.

The list also included 'Community', 'Parks and Recreation', and 'Friends'.

The last one on the list was the award-winning 'Big Bang Theory', with six seconds of laughter per hour.

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So if you're looking for some laughs this weekend and you've never watched any of these shows, here's your chance!

And if science hasn't convinced you already, we included two of the most iconic scenes from the top two most hilarious shows to show you what you're missing out on:

For more unmissable Vic Naidoo moments, listen here:

Main image courtesy of iStock

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