OPINION: How can you compliment someone without them thinking you are flirting?

OPINION: How can you compliment someone without them thinking you are flirting?

It's definitely possible, but how?

OPINION: How can you compliment someone without them thinking you are flirting?
Unsplash Website

It is notorious that there are some people in the world who take things the wrong way. From people who read too much into things to people who don't know how to read the room, we think that it is part of life to not be able to please everyone. 

But in this case, a woman reaches out to the Reddit audience, to ask...

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Certainly a matter of opinion. But in some cases there is always going to be someone who gets hurt. The thing about flirting is that as much as it can be so clear for some people, it can be the complete opposite in that some people don't know when someone is flirting. 

It may sound naïve but it's true. The thing is that the post got lots of attention, with people saying things like they have been the victim of aggressive flirting, and then this happened...

The conversation really took a turn we didn't expect. It opened up the topic that many males are brought up or socialised into believing that being hard, rugged, and not showing emotion is the way they are supposed to be. 

It then goes to show why sometimes they misread the situation and confuse kindness with flirtation. The thing is that the same could be said for many women, especially those who grew up with low self-esteem... 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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