LOOK: Ain't nothing but a chicken wing... and a chicken head too

LOOK: Ain't nothing but a chicken wing... and a chicken head too

Have you ever ordered something and received an unexpected surprise? 

LOOK: Ain't nothing but a chicken wing, and a chicken head too...for this customer

There's no denying that we all love to treat ourselves now and then with fast food. It is a comfort, a way of treating ourselves to a meal that we enjoy having now and then. But sometimes there is a hype and you get excited about it only to receive it and it's a big disappointment. 

We can say that this has most likely happened to more than one person reading this. Getting disappointed over your order isn't unheard of, after all, we're all human and we are allowed to make mistakes. 

This is what most likely happened here.

Awoman by the name of Brittani Paulhamus, ordered some chicken wings with a company called 'Old School Pizza' in the USA. Sounds pretty ordinary, right? Not so much...

When she received the order, she was shocked and surprised to see a fried chicken head just hanging around with the fried wings. As South Africans, eating parts of the chicken isn't unheard of. 

Check out the images below, courtesy of Facebook:

As a customer, most especially when it comes to food, there's a certain level of expectation when it comes to what you are promised and what you associate with certain brands. 

In this case, there is some disarray as it was a whole chicken head that was included in your meal. After alerting the store, she was told to call back on another day to speak to management. 

She went on to say: "PSA: I did not expect this post to blow up the way it did…. Yes I know where the wings come from. HOWEVER to me it is personally not appetizing to see the chicken head in the wings I ordered. At the end of the day I’m sharing my personal experience and we’re all entitled to our own opinions." (Facebook)

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The post got lots of comments and attention as many people were shocked at this discovery. But more than that, they used it as an opportunity to make it a cluckity affair...

Ever received something unexpected in your meal? Let us know below. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Facebook

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