INSPIRING: A man paints his house in the PRIDE colours

INSPIRING: A man paints his house in the PRIDE colours

A man paints his house in the PRIDE flag colours as a statement to those who are against the LGBTQI+ community.

INSPIRING: A man paints his house in the PRIDE colours
Facebook Screenshot/@PlantingPeace

Aaron Jackson, the founder of Planting Peace, bought a house opposite the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, USA. He decided to paint the house in the pride colours as a way of standing up for equality. 

This was after finding out that the church was very open about being an anti-gay religious group that believes homosexuality is a sin, as stated on the church's website. 

"Planting Peace is a global nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of spreading peace in a hurting world. Our projects focus on a range of humanitarian and environmental initiatives, including our multi-national deworming campaign; a network of orphanages and safe havens in developing countries; LGBTQ rights advocacy; Equality House and Transgender House; and rainforest conservation efforts in the Amazon." (Planting Peace Website)

Aaron Jackson's non-profit organisation focuses on many inequalities and when he bought the house opposite the church, he wasn't trying to start a war with the church, but simply acknowledging that they both have opposing views. 

"The only equality that you need to worry about is that every human equally deserves to go to hell," the church said in a statement to the Insider. They further said in the statement, "a monument to glorify sin," and said those behind the home "mock, rebel against, and show their hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ."

Aaron went on to say that he originally thought that Planting Peace would sell the house, but it turns out that it became The Equality House, and the home for their organisation, and it is quite symbolic to the LGBTQI+ community. 

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East Coast Radio

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