Horse named Sugar acts like she's sleeping to avoid doing work

Horse named Sugar acts like she's sleeping to avoid doing work

Now this is our kind of horse...

Horse lying down as if asleep
Horse lying down as if asleep/Twitter/@jimrosecircus1

Social media at its best yet again.

An image of a horse sleeping has gone viral after a post on Twitter revealed a story about this horse named 'Sugar'. 

It seems that Sugar would fake falling asleep as soon as any work was to be done.

Be still our beating hearts...

She sounds like our kind of girl. We love the drama of it all. 

But this story was short lived as it seems that tweeps discovered that the image was in fact a stock image from 2017 of a horse sleeping. 

Whether or not the story of Sugar is entirely true has yet to be confirmed by the Twitter user who posted it, Jim Rose.

The thing is her story has resonated with many people online. With many of them saying that they have found their spirit animal. 

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Interestingly enough, it was also revealed that horses actually do lay down when they sleep, clearing up the misconception that horses sleep standing up.

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