He ordered pizza and chicken wings, found over R20k with his delivery

He ordered pizza and chicken wings, found over R20k with his delivery

When you get something unexpected in your food delivery...

He ordered pizza and chicken wings and found over R20k with his delivery...
Unsplash Website

At this time of year we definitely find that there is something different in the air. Maybe it's because of the festive mood, or who knows, maybe Santa Claus puts something special in the air to bring out the good in all of us. 

Whether or not that is the case, we love hearing about feel good, happy-ending stories, especially when they come with rewards for the do-gooder. In this case, it involved a delivery of pizza and chicken wings with a side of cash money dollars... 

A man from California decided to order some chicken wings and pizza from Dominos and it was all quite mediocre, just an ordinary take out purchase. He took a few bites of the pizza and then stored it in the fridge. 

Mike Vegas wanted to enjoy the meal on his day off and went off to work. After going to work, his phone kept ringing and he didn't pay much attention to it as he was at work. Clearly he has a good work ethic...

"The calls came from the driver who had delivered his food; he had decided to stash some cash in a wings box before heading to the bank. Clearly, he had forgotten that he had put the cash there and had ended up delivering it to his final customer of the night." (Goalcast Website)

What a thing to do...But in the same breath, honesty does exist and Vegas was a true indication of that. After returning home he opened up his fridge to find $1,300 (roughly R20,700) in the box of chicken wings...

After deciding to post his dilemma to Facebook, many people advised him to keep the money. But his inner voice was louder and he decided to give back the money. His efforts were not in vane, as the manager at Dominos gave him a surprise. 

He was given a year's supply of pizza and although he admitted that he would need to visit the gym more often, he definitely appreciated the gesture. Well, there you have it, doing good brings good...

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