DYK? Approximately 200,000 rats are kept as pets in the UK

DYK? Approximately 200,000 rats are kept as pets in the UK

"There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna do? Oh, wait, he's supposed to be there, he's my pet rat..."

A lady holding a rat in the palm of her hands
A lady holding a rat in the palm of her hands/Unsplash Website

As you know, we are anything but conventional. 

So when the weird and wacky come a knocking, we are right there, ready to answer the door. 

In this case, it was the pet rats in the United Kingdom that stumped us. For many South Africans, rats are considered pests, rodents that we don't want in our homes. But that seems to be somewhat closed-minded from our end...

World Rat Day was on the 4th of April, and so animal welfare scientists from the RSPCA in the UK decided to embark on a mission. They set out to educate pet rat owners on how to best care for their rats. 

The RSPCA is The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and is the largest welfare charity in the United Kingdom. 

They conducted a survey where they were able to ascertain if pet rat owners were in fact practicing the correct care with their pets. 

Some of what they found was that pet rat owners were providing the right environment, companionship for their pet rats, but their nesting areas could be improved. 

For more from East Coast Radio

We've got to say that we never thought that this was the real deal, but it just shows how different strokes work for different folks. 

Check out the podcast from Vic Naidoo this week, where he asked KZN about their unique pets...

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

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Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website 

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