A drunk driver does the unexpected and follows a police vehicle into a secure garage...

A drunk driver does the unexpected and follows a police vehicle into a secure garage...

This should definitely be aired as an episode of 'World's Dumbest Criminals'...

A drunk driver does the unexpected and follows a police vehicle into a secure garage...
Twitter Screenshot/@chwriting

Very rarely do we find criminals gravitate towards police vehicles, instead of the other way around. But this was certainly a special case for a 19-year-old driver who most likely had many, many regrets the morning after...

Law enforcement officers are investigating a case of Driving Under the Influence (also known as DUI), that occurred in South Dakota, USA. After a police officer drove into a secure parking facility for government offices, it was also the parking lot for Pennington County Jail. 

"Access to the garage is restricted, so imagine the officer's surprise when another car entered the garage right behind him, narrowly missing the heavy gate that was closing." (MSN)

The officers noticed that the vehicle was damaged at the front end. The driver was a 19-year-old Jyles Salomon of Allen. After getting out of the car, and asking for assistance with the damage to his vehicle. 

"Police say they immediately noticed the driver’s slurred speech and the smell of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person." (Newscenter)

Now that's what we call taking the wrong turn...As much it sheds some humour for us, its certainly a serious offence. Many deaths on our roads are caused by drivers under the influence. So please, please, if you are going to be drinking, stay away from driving. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Twitter

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