This couple split after she played an inappropriate song at their wedding reception

This couple split after she played an inappropriate song at their wedding reception

Let's just say it wasn't ideal considering they had just got hitched...

This couple split after she played an inappropriate song at their wedding reception
Unsplash Website

When it comes to planning your wedding, there is definitely a long list of things you have to get done as a couple. From the wedding venue to the guest list to the music, it is pretty much never-ending. 

So, of course, it makes sense that sometimes things may go off script. In this case, it was literally what we think might be the shortest marriage ever because of a song choice that didn't quite fit into the wedding reception. 

The song choice ruffled some feathers when it played at the wedding reception. Not because it didn't have the right tempo, but more so because it had the most inappropriate lyrics. 

"The song in question is a Syrian song called Mesaytara which loosely translates to I am dominant or I will control you. The lyrics of the song begin with: I am dominant; you will be ruled under my strict instructions, I will drive you crazy if you looked at other girls on the street. Yes, I’m dominant, you’re my piece of sugar. As long as you’re with me, you’ll walk under my command.” (MSN)

Uh, that's awkward...

We would love to know how long they were together prior to getting married. Not that it would've mattered, because it sounds like she was planning this the whole time. 

If it was a joke, then he certainly didn't get it. 

"After watching the bride singing her heart out to the controversial song, the groom’s family quickly started arguing with her family who wholeheartedly defended their young daughter." (MSN)

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Check out the song below, courtesy of YouTube:

This was certainly not how you want your wedding day to pan out. Perhaps it would be best to share the playlist with your partner before the wedding day...

Or if you like some spice and drama, then you could do this...

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Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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