From con-artists to disrespectful family members...

From con-artists to disrespectful family members...

This is your one-stop-shop for the most iconic and most talked about moments from Vic Naidoo this week.


Has this week been too tough? Were you so busy that you didn't even have a single chance to listen to your favourite show?

READ: Vic Naidoo reveals one of his best kept secrets...

Are you looking to just sit back and relax while enjoying the weekend?

The week was filled with secrets, deceit, and sneaky little tricks.

Kicking off the week was one of the toughest #KeepOrCuts that Vic and KZN have ever had to face.

All we can say it involves a couple, who have been together for quite a while, and a disastrous proposal:

(Read more here)

Vic was reminiscing about the holiday season and sharing some fun stories with KZN when he came to the shocking realisation that he might be considered a con-artist:

(Read more here)

And finally, together with KZN, he decided to finally settle a debate, which was sparked by the fact that his cousin showed up to a family dinner sporting something very disrespectful:

(Read more here)

You are also more than welcome to catch up on any other great moments that you might have missed (or if you want to listen to them again):

Main image courtesy of iStock

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