Are soulmates actually real?

Are soulmates actually real?

Life isn't a Nicholas Sparks book and there's no such thing as "the one"...

The one

There are many stories surrounding the origin of the name 'soulmate'.

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An ancient playwright, Aristophanes, told the story of how humans had been two-headed giants that were split apart by a jealous Zeus and thus spend the rest of their days looking for their other halves.

How romantic.

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Soulmates and 'the one' have been the focal point of many tales of love and loss.

The story might end with a 'happily ever after' or it can end in utter despair as they realise it was 'the one that got away' and they remain heartbroken forever.

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One thing always remains the same: you either spend your whole life with one person or you end up forever alone.

There is no in-between because for some reason humans have always believed that you only get one great, ultimate love.

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But there are billions of people on this earth! How are you supposed to find the only person that is supposedly the perfect romantic partner? And how can there only be one?

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In the end, finding only one significant other to spend the rest of your life with doesn't seem too normal.

That's why Vic Naidoo believes we should #Normalise NOT finding 'the one'.

Take a listen to find out the final verdict on this very controversial episode:

For more unmissable Vic Naidoo moments, listen here:

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