This is why you shouldn't believe your critical inner voice

This is why you shouldn't believe your critical inner voice

If you're looking for ways to change your mindset, keep reading today's Finding You with Lisa Welsh.

Imposter syndrome

We all have that little voice inside our heads telling us we're not good enough.

READ: I'm in a complicated relationship with... my body

Maybe it's constantly comparing you to other people or makes you doubt your abilities.

And if anyone tells you they don't hear that little voice, they're probably lying.

READ: Do you ever replay all your mistakes in your mind?

Although we might not admit it, it's there. 

And all we can do is try to drown it out, not feed into it, and not give it the power it so desperately craves.

READ: Should women be able to sell their breastmilk?

Today, Lisa Welsh is sharing more about imposter syndrome and how to effectively deal with it whenever it rears its ugly head.

Take a listen to find out what you need to start on this journey:

For more unmissable moments, listen here:

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