Woman catches terrifying-looking catfish with her bare hands

Woman catches terrifying-looking catfish with her bare hands

A bikini was not going to stop this woman from catching a weird and wonderful fish - with her bare hands! 

Woman catches fish / Instagram
Woman catches fish / Instagram

When writing this piece, I was reminded about a piece that East Coast Breakfast published a few weeks back about a Pietermartizburg man that caught a 47kg fish right here in Durban. 

Then I saw a 23-year-old woman named Hannah Barron, who has become an internet sensation for showing off her talent of noodling - which is when someone uses their bare hands to grab fish and other creatures from the water. 

READ - Weird and wonderful: 'Headless chicken fish' caught swimming off Antarctica

Thankfully, she does use gloves to avoid her fingers being chomped off. 

Hannah has amassed over 500,000 followers on her Instagram account with features videos and pictures of her latest weird and wonderful catches. 

Her most recent one saw her noodle an enormous catfish which weighed 67 pounds (over 30kg) - and it looked terrifying. 

ALSO: Strange fish with bird-like head discovered in China

She is proving to be a limitless woman who doesn't allow her bikini or her gender get in the way of enjoying her passion. 

Watch below:

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