When you find something in your food that shouldn't be there

When you find something in your food that shouldn't be there

Of all the crazy things you could find in your food, a rat's tail has got to be the absolute worst?! This poor lady's worst nightmare just came true!


Imagine a perfectly hot summer's day, and the only thing you can think about is a delicious ice-cream to cool you down.

Read: Cosmopolitan reveals worst roommate stories of all time

So, the guy comes past you and you buy your favourite ice-cream, but what you find inside is enough to ruin ice-cream for you for the rest of time!

A rat's tail….

This is a true story. A woman in China found a dead rat inside her ice cream when she saw the tail sticking out of it.

Read: Rat 'showering' like a human divides the internet

While she initially thought it was a caterpillar, her friend, who tried to remove it from the ice-lolly, found that “it was stuck tight” and it was only then that both of them realised it was a rodent's tail

Totally gross.

Some things you just have to see for yourself. 

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