The treasured possessions that money can't buy

The treasured possessions that money can't buy

We all have one possession in our life that we'll never give up or sell. Damon has shared his and wants to know what's yours. 

Treasure chest of possessions / iStock
Treasure chest of possessions / iStock

We all hold and keep things dear to us. That most treasured possession in your life that no money can buy. There’s always something or someone we simply cannot live without, which we treasure and protect with our lives.

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Maybe it’s family photographs. Your passport allowing you the opportunity to travel, a painting or even your car. Treasured possessions range from a variety of different items. 

When my mom and dad were alive, they collected every single newspaper or magazine article on me. If there was any write up of me in any publication, they’d cut it out and keep it.

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I now have a box of photos and newspaper clippings spanning the 28-years of my radio career and that is, without doubt, my most treasured possession.

What is it in your life that means more to you than any money can buy?

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