This picture was banned from a high school year book

This picture was banned from a high school year book

This picture was banned from a High School in America. Was this too harsh or are people overreacting to what is only just a picture?

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Kelly Roy (Photo: Kelly Roy)

Most of us will remember our high school photo... and how years later we look back in the school magazine and the memories come flooding back.

One senior, though can't use his favorite photo for the high school yearbook, because it depicts him holding a gun.

While most other scholars have pics that include a sports item or musical instrument - this guy, Wade wanted to hold a shotgun.

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He's not a sportsman, he doesn't play a musical instrument. He hunts ...and it's a family tradition, so he wanted his high school picture to include the shotgun.

But the photographer wasn't having any of it.

The schools code of conduct prevents students from bringing weapons to school, or wearing clothes or other items that depict weapons so his request was denied.

Rightly so, or has the school taken this too far. It could be sending a wrong message after all?

But then again, it's just a picture, right?

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