Man pays for elderly woman's groceries after her card is declined

Man pays for elderly woman's groceries after her card is declined

Sometimes we do things knowing, or in this case not knowing, when we'll have an impact and change someone's life.

This morning I woke up and still in a daze, I looked on Facebook to see what was happening. 

A message posted by a lady who will be attending my ladies night show in Howick tonight, made my heart melt just a little and renewed my faith in humanity.

Here's what she said:  

" Hi Damon I'm treating my daughter to her 1st ladies night with me tonight for her 18th birthday.

Last show I went to was one of yours many moons ago. I was hiding at the back and was one of the ladies you made come up on stage.  You noticing me slouching at the back and your insistence to me coming up was the turning point in my life. Always being over looked and never feeling worthy enough ... you were the one that by a simple act got me on the road to liking myself again.....and I am so grateful. "

The point of me sharing this is not for brownie points - it's to highlight the fact that sometimes we do things knowing, or in this case not knowing when we'll have an impact and change someone's life.

See: This random act of kindness will put a smile on your face!

Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness from a stranger or an anonymous source? Do you remember how it made you feel? 

 I myself have been blessed to receive a few random acts of kindness, so when I saw this other story, I can only imagine how it must have made the elderly lady feel. 

A 34 year old dad was shopping recently and noticed her at the till. She was clearly embarrassed when her card kept being declined due to insufficient funds.  

In a random act of kindness, he paid for her groceries and the moment was captured and posted to Twitter.

 We live in such stressful times and just doing something small or saying the right thing at the right time can change someone's life.

I love what Wikipedia says about a random act of kindness: 

 It's “a selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier.”

If every single person listening to my show today pledged to do one random act of kindness this weekend - can you just imagine what an amazing weekend it would be.

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