KZN shares hilarious first car stories

KZN shares hilarious first car stories

It turns out many of us do some crazy things with our very first car!

Man Inside Car
Man inside car/ Pexels

Everyone who has ever owned a car will always remember those first few days with their new set of wheels.

READ: "I miss driving my car in peace"

Some of us promise to wash her every single day, and do so for the first few months. Others park their first-ever car as close to their bedroom window as possible at night. Some of us even sleep in our new car so as to avoid ever being apart!

READ: He's only 11 and he won a car by playing Chinese pool

The novelty of independence during those first few days, weeks, and months make some of us do some silly things.

And it turns out KZN is no different when it comes to that first car novelty silliness! 

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