If you hate the sound of people chewing then you suffer from misophonia!

If you hate the sound of people chewing then you suffer from misophonia!

Misophonia is a disorder where sufferers have an intense hatred for the sound of people chewing, breathing loudly, and even repeated pen-clicking. Sounds normal to me?

Goat Chewing
On Monday, I was standing in the queue at the shop when I heard this snort from behind me. Not a sniff or a blow of the nose. A snort!


Then I was out for dinner and one of the guys at the table had this annoying habit of cracking his knuckles.

Isn't it amazing that when ONE thing has irritated you, you pick up on things people do that just instantaneously get on your goat?

People who chew too loudly when you’re eating with them.

Those that click the top of their pens.

The list just goes on and on...

Read more: The most annoying sound ever made turns 20!

Turns out you could be one of the many people suffering from a genuine brain abnormality called 'misophonia', which is a disorder where sufferers have a hatred of sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing, and even repeated pen-clicking.

I don't need a 'condition' to put it down to...

In my opinion, those are just a few things that are simply irritating.

What's your worst?

Read more: Meet the dog that sounds exactly like a sports car

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