Woman with facial birthmark was told she was 'too ugly for love’

Woman with facial birthmark was told she was 'too ugly for love’

Lexxie Harford reveals her red mark which covers the right hand side of her face to raise awareness of birthmarks to give others confidence. 

Woman with facial birthmark was told she was 'too ugly for love’

Can you imagine being told you are too ugly for love? Have you ever heard such rubbish!

After years of covering up her birth mark Lexxie has decided to bare it all and never been happier. 

23-year-old Lexxie who appeared on a TV show called Too Ugly For Love decided to post a selfie of her and her facial birthmark.

She says so is no longer prepared to cover it up with makeup!

Lexxie shared her selfie with the world and has had over 100 000 likes on social media site Imgur.

I salute this lady for her bravery and once again echo how important it is to have real people being true representations of themselves, not only for inner peace but to serge forwards – a body positive movement.

Jane Linley-Thomas
picture of birhtmark

Do you have an 'imperfection' that you choose to cover?

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