The bizarre moment a woman sucks face with a crocodile

The bizarre moment a woman sucks face with a crocodile

This is the weirdest thing you will see today!

The closest I will ever get to a crocodile is if it's been made into a designer handbag. This is sheer madness! How this lady gets her kicks makes my feet sweat!


I wonder how she got to this place in her life, like if as a little girl she thought one day I'm going to dress up in a sparkly leotard and get my face as close as I can to this beast's snapping jaws?


The fact that people are saying that this act is sexual is just bizarre and maybe says more about their warped sense of reality than hers?

I am always skeptical of animal acts because you can't reason with an animal and who knows what is going on in their head?


This act can only end in disaster!

READ: Terrifying footage of crocodile swimming past family

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