The bizarre baby-jumping festival that's giving parents anxiety everywhere

The bizarre baby-jumping festival that's giving parents anxiety everywhere

There's a bizarre festival in Spain that is bound to leave any parent feeling uneasy after seeing it.

Baby jumping festival / New York Post
Baby jumping festival / New York Post

Just when you thought that Spain was only famous for its bull festival, you may just want to add another bizarre festival to the mix. 

According to New York Post, the baby-jumping festival takes place in the town of Castrillo de Murcia in Spain and sees men who are dressed as devils jumping over babies lying on mattresses. 

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The video itself reports that the practice dates back to the 1620's and was done to ward off evil spirits from the infants. 

We're not sure about you, but surely there is a safer way to do so? 

If you're a parent, prepare to be filled with anxiety after checking this out: 

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