Stuff you should know: Teen challenges that every parent should worry about

Stuff you should know: Teen challenges that every parent should worry about

Teens are doing worrying things like pouring vodka in their eyes to go viral on the internet. 

teens playground pexels

Take a listen to the podcast below and read the full story below. 

Vodka eyeballing 

Teens dump a shot of vodka in my open eye. Vodka eyeballing helps people get a buzz faster, as the alcohol enters the bloodstream via the veins behind the eyeball. Not only does this increase the chance of eye infections, but you can also have serious damage to the eye leading to blindness. 

The salt and ice challenge

Teens are doing this challenge that often leads to permanent skin damage.

 They challenge themselves to press a mixture of salt and ice against their skin and then time it to see how long they can stand the burning sensation. 

The problem is that sensation is the result of a frostbite-like burn that needs medical attention. 

Cinnamon challenge
Swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon might seem like nothing. 

However, this challenge has some serious risks. Since the cinnamon dries and coats the mouth and throat, the person may start to cough extremely and throw up. 

The fine cinnamon powder can also aspirate, increasing the chance of infection, pneumonia, or a collapsed lung. 

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