This paralyzed man and his girlfriend are relationship goals

This paralyzed man and his girlfriend are relationship goals

After this man was paralyzed by an accident, he has taken inspiration from his girlfriend's fitness regime.

paralyzed man working out with girlfriend
It must be so difficult for those involved when someone loses their ability to walk. It must take time, love, patience, and compassion each and every day.

I came across this inspiring story about a couple who isn't just a couple, but also the best fitness pair you could ever find. Jessica Arevalo is a rising social media fitness star and also a bikini competitor - I mean, with a body like hers, of course she is!

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Her gym partner is her boyfriend Garrett, who is a professional poker player. He was paralyzed in 2010 after falling and breaking his neck. The couple met in California back in 2016 and instantly hit it off. 

Not only are they deeply in love with each other, but also a fitness couple of note after making a name for themselves on social media. Even though his functions are limited in his upper body, he works out to strengthen the parts he has control over.

Read - Fitness Motivation: 10 reasons to start kettlebell training

I love how he doesn't allow his situation to impact his life. It must take such strength of character to rise above this type of thing. I reckon 'victim mode' would be an easy route, but not for him. His strength and will power inspires me and I hope that after seeing him in action, you too will be inspired to push yourself to the limits and reach for the skies.

Do you know of someone who doesn't allow their disability to hold them back?

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