New survey reveals that millennials hate talking on the phone

New survey reveals that millennials hate talking on the phone

A new survey has revealed some interesting insights into why millennials avoid taking a phone call at all costs. 

People on smartphones / Pexels

If you know me, you would know that I am simply obsessed with my phone. To be clear, my WhatsApp and social media. Although I love hearing from friends and family, I'm not quite a phone call type of person.

A new survey from gadget retail site bankmycell has attempted to unpack some of the reasons millennials aren't fond of taking phone calls and actually comes up with a pretty textured picture of why younger consumers love their phones but hate talking on them.

READ: Awkward phone calls lead to hilarious facial expressions

"The ‘generation mute’ trend is all too apparent, people growing up in the digital age have adopted alternate forms of communication causing a decline in voice calls. Surfacing technologies like SMS, MSN Messenger, BBM, and Myspace have all paved the way for today’s most popular forms of digital communication such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Snapchat. With daily smartphone usage continually on the rise, why is the volume of calls from these supposed ‘phone addicts’ ironically deteriorating?" it was said in the survey introduction on the site

The survey they conducted included more than 1,200 respondents between 22 and 37 years of age, and was revealed that up to 75% said they avoid calls because they are too time-consuming. 

READ: Five free apps millennials can't live without

The main excuse they use when a person asks them why they didn’t pick up is that they didn’t hear the phone ring or they had poor signal, while 29% say they always avoid calls from friends.

Check out the full results from the questions below:

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Survey results courtesy of bankmycell's full resource pack. 

I'm not going to lie, I have been guilty of using a good few excuses when I try to dodge a call. For me, I'm just more of a 'text girl' as opposed to a 'phone call girl' - well, if you're calling to tell me about a good sale or freebies, I'm there, honey! 

Which do you prefer - being called or getting a text and why?

Main image courtesy of Pexels

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