KZN listeners react to controversial Grade 1 reading book

KZN listeners react to controversial Grade 1 reading book

It's been three days of mixed reactions for the very controversial Grade 1 government-issued reading book. Listen as KZN and Jane share what their thoughts are on the matter.

jane reading book cover

Listen as KZN reacts to the controversial Grade 1 government-issued reading book in the podcast, then read more about what Jane has to say below:

I must say, I knew this topic was going to be emotionally charged and wouldn't lend itself to a fence-sitting stance, but just how emotive, passionate, and, at times, aggressive were both sides? I must say I wasn't really prepared for the type of response I received.

Read: The Grade 1 reading book that is angering moms everywhere

Angry phone calls, voice notes, and late-night direct messages on social media were all fueled by opinion and sometimes pure rudeness. From the onset, I thought: "Oh man, what have I uncovered here", and then the more the conversation went on, the more I realised that some topics are a lot more difficult to cover than others.

Read: Durban mom concerned over Grade 1 reading book speaks out

For me, I am taken aback by how many people think the book is just a book and are not too concerned about the message that's being pushed onto impressionable minds. We should be portraying how wonderfully different the world is and to embrace it all regardless of skin color, looks, what jobs we do, and who we choose to love. In saying that, it would be so wonderful to see reading material that portrays a wide spectrum of our beautiful society.

The world is already such a judgmental place. While our kids are young and unconditioned, we should be inspiring them with life's diversity.

I think regardless of which mindset you feel you resonate with, what's clear is that we aren't always going to agree and we should use these types of situations as teaching moments for our kids.

Also read: Education Department addresses Grade 1 book drama

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