Janet Jackson looks completely different in pregnant pics

Janet Jackson looks completely different in pregnant pics

She still looks gorgeous but different to the Janet we know. 

Can you believe this is Janet Jackson!? I had to have double take. Her look is so different to the JJ we know from the public wardrobe malfunction wouldn't you say!?


Gosh mad respect for going down the pregnancy road at 50!


Geepuz it takes me all my time and energy to keep the wheels on the track and I'm in my late 30s! Granted I have 3 small kids but a baby is a baby at the end of the day.


It's quite a thought that when JJ is 70 her child will be 20 years old and the reality is that this child will be without its mother from early on in life. Sure this child will be looked after financially better than most but nothing can replace a mom. I understand Janet's want for something more and trust me loving a child is a love that's indescribable unless you have it.  


Do you think having a child so late on life is fair on a child?

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