This homework policy has divided parents!

This homework policy has divided parents!

A letter reportedly written by a teacher to parents is sparking a debate on homework.


This 'no homework' policy has been slowly unfolding all over the world for some time now, and in fact a school in Cape Town has implemented this policy with wonderful results.


I personally think it is a great idea, given that the time is spent correctly. Lying on the couch watching cartoons won't cut it.


My kids are still small, so I don't have the stress of having to claw ourselves through mountains of work just yet, but I know it's coming. I remember when I was a day scholar coming home from a busy school day and then being made to sit down and work was the pits.

See: A boy's spelling homework goes viral 


I think if time is spent outside, reading, eating as a family, taking part in family activities, and chores - constructively, that can only be beneficial to the little person and the family as a whole.


I find even at this early stage of my kids' schooling careers they are under such pressure all the time. What happened to being a kid?


This letter was written by a teacher and is doing the rounds, what are your thoughts?


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