Habits KZN learned from their parents

Habits KZN learned from their parents

From teaching us how to walk and talk to then shaping our characters, our first educators are our parents, but they also teach us lessons that come up in our behaviour as adults. 

Family lessons
Pexels/ Agung Pandit Wiguna/ family sitting on grass near building/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/family-sitting-on-grass-near-building-1128316/

One of the habits I picked up from my parents is that we speak in what's known to some friends as the Linley lingo.

We make up our own words and my mom, sister, and I also have a certain facial expression when someone tells us something moving, cute or sweet. We do this thing where we tilt our head to the side and make this frown like face and purse our lips as a form of 'oh my word, my heart'!

With that in mind, I wanted to see if you too had a behaviour or way of doing things that is different to the norm.

Thank you for all your responses, this is what you had to say:

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