Father responds to baby’s tantrum in the best way possible

Father responds to baby’s tantrum in the best way possible

Well this is one hilarious way to stop a baby from crying!

dad stops daughter from crying

This dad just kills me! Just yesterday I posted a video of how a Dad soothing his sweet baby girl. However this dad decided to use a different approach to handle his baby’s meltdown.

Read: Newborn only stops crying after her dad plays this trailer

The child stops fussing immediately as his Dad, with wide eyes, mimics his cries. The more experienced you become as a parent, you are forced to separate the fuss from the real upset. This little cutie was just fussing so his Dad decided to have a bit of fun. 

Read: Cute baby cries when dad says she can't have a boyfriend

I'm sure at one point or another you have imitated a crying child, I certainly have. I said to my kids recently ‘how would you like it if I didn't get my way and collapsed in a crying heap on the floor.? Just like this child in the video, my kids also don't know whether to react with tears or laughter.

What is the funniest thing you’ve done to get your kids to stop crying?

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