Drew Barrymore shares how she handles daughter’s meltdowns

Drew Barrymore shares how she handles daughter’s meltdowns

This celeb mom handles her daughter’s tantrums in the most hilarious way.

drew barrymore daughter meltdown

I can so relate to this. There are definitely different approaches when it comes to dealing with a kid who is having a meltdown. 

Read: Kid has meltdown when he sees dad without beard

There is the whole tender 'stroke the back and talk softly approach', the 'I am being serious here' face and tone, the 'I'm not letting you get to me' approach which shows the parent being cool, calm, and not swayed in the least, or the approach which this celeb mom, Drew Barrymore, has mastered. She even had time to snap a picture of the meltdown she was so in control.

A meltdown can creep up and attack at any time and is usually propelled by the most absurd request like a sobbing mess over not being allowed to run across a busy freeway.

Read: Justin Bieber's meltdown on stage is adorable

Take a look at the video below:

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