The big question: You know you're getting older when...

The big question: You know you're getting older when...

There comes a point in time in your life when you begin dropping lines like 'I'm too old for this', but when does that pivotal moment begin, especially when you're only as old as you feel?

How to know you're getting older
Photo of woman looking at the mirror/ Pexels/ Bruce Mars/

Aging is inevitable. One day you're able to party until three in the morning and still wake up to get to work on time, and then suddenly those days are gone. 

Read: Nineteen-year-old man: My 72-year-old wife is my soulmate

According to Independent, forgetting people’s names, groaning when you bend down, and falling asleep in front of the TV are among the signs you’re getting old, according to research.

All your life you wanted to be older and all of a sudden you just want to make it stop. Don't get me wrong, getting older does have its perks, but sometimes you wish you were given a warning first. 

Read: How old is too old to ask your parents for money?

I recently bought a printer and the delight I felt in my heart was a joy I find hard to describe. At that moment, I knew I was getting old. Never did I ever in my life think I would race home to connect a printer! 

It's the kind of joy I find in getting into bed at 8pm and sleeping in crisp bed sheets or having a weekend with no plans other than to chill.

Just for laughs, here are 10 signs that let you know you're getting old:

  1. Saying 'in my day'
  2. Hating noisy places
  3. Struggling to use technology
  4. Complaining about the type of television shows that are created today
  5. You like getting asked for your ID
  6. Not knowing any songs in the top 10
  7. Falling asleep in front of the TV
  8. Choosing your clothing and shoes based on comfort rather than style
  9. Finding you have no idea what 'young people' are talking about
  10. Having colleagues who are so young they don't know what a cassette tape is
Read: How old is 'too old' to be a model?

Now I need to know from you, how did you know you were getting old? Leave your comments below.

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