Battle of the sexes: Things women can't do and men can

Battle of the sexes: Things women can't do and men can

Saudi Arabia has lifted the ban on women driving after years of fighting for equality, but this move will only become effective once the attitude of men in the country changes as well.

Men vs women

Women in Saudi Arabia are no longer backseat drivers. The announcement earlier in June was well received and the ladies did not take much time to sit in the driver's seat. 

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They were not afraid to share their pictures on social media, but a huge amount of backlash was received as men in the country are not thrilled with the news. 

As wonderful as this is, it is also a little sad that this is cause to celebrate, as it seems a little backward, don't you think?

With the change comes the highlighting of things women still cannot do in the country:

  • Make major decisions without male permission
  • Wear clothes or make-up that "show off their beauty"
  • Interact with men
  • Go for a swim in public
  • Compete freely in sport
  • Try on clothes when shopping

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This is not a hit on the country, there are still many countries that have different laws for men and women:

  • There are 32 countries where women need their husband’s permission to apply for a passport
  • A Nigerian husband is permitted to hit his wife, under Section 55 of the Penal Code, for the purposes of “correcting” her

  • Russia’s gender-equality legislation, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, has been pending for over 13 years.

I personally have never felt inferior to a man and having worked with mostly men, I must say I love being surrounded by men.

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There was an incident earlier this week where prize money was awarded and the boy in the competition got paid more than the girl. These types of situations perpetuate this women and men equality thing. We both have our strengths and aren't in competition with each other.

Does society still believe that there are certain things that men should or can only do?

Let me know your thoughts below.

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