#AskStacey: What is the best way to end a bad date?

#AskStacey: What is the best way to end a bad date?

#AskStacey is ECR’s advice column, where Stacey Norman responds to your questions about life and relationships at home, work, and beyond.

Stacey Norman embraces her cheekbones / Instagram
Stacey Norman embraces her cheekbones / Instagram

Listen to the podcast or read below:

This week Stacey got an interesting list of questions that will surely keep you entertained.

Read: #AskStacey: Should I go to my ex’s wedding?

What is the best way to quickly end a bad date? - Luther in Umzinto

I am planning on proposing to my girlfriend and we are going to do a flashmob. What sound should I choose for the dance? - Max in St Lucia

How do you feel about people who start conversations with you in public bathrooms, yes or no? - Noxolo in Chetserville

What are your top tips for holding a conversation. - Rose in Karkloof

If you could permanently remove something from Earth, what would it be? - Thobile in Hillary

What do you think is currently missing in your life? - Sonam in Queensborough 

If you have a question for #AskStacey, please send it to sihle@ecr.co.za and Stacey could be answering yours every Monday between 12pm – 1pm.

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