Woman's toes to be amputated after fish pedicure treatment

Woman's toes to be amputated after fish pedicure treatment

We don't know about you, but fish spas sound pretty gross without even knowing what effects they have on you. Now imagine having a bunch of deeply unsettling little fish chowing down on your dead skin, only for you to have a disastrous reaction. 

Amputated toes of lady who did a fish pedicure spa treatment
Media Drum World


Fish pedicures employ hundreds of tiny toothless carp (Garra rufa) to nibble the dead skin from your feet, in addition to improving the appearance and feel of your skin, fish spas are often credited with alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.

Read: Freaky! Man with nine toes on foot finally has surgery

But with that said some health bodies have warned that fish pedicures could spread deadly diseases. Sadly, this memo didn't reach Victoria Curthoys, because now she has had all of her toes on one of her feet amputated after getting the pedicure treatment on holiday in Thailand.

Lucky for her she didn't contract any other diseases such as HIV or Hepatitis C which were two of the diseases that were specified in fish pedicure health warnings.

She did however contract a waterborne disease that led to her having five toes removed. Horrifying right?!

Amputated toes of lady who did a fish pedicure spa treatment
Media Drum World

In 2010, Victoria travelled to Thailand for a holiday where she decided to go to an area that had popular fish spa treatments to remove the dead skin from her feet.

Unfortunately, for her, the tank contained a waterborne disease only found in Thailand, which then seeped through her existing wounds and left her with a fever and sickness.

After she went back home, the doctors in Australia had no choice but to amputate her big toe in 2012, but the pressure from walking only on her small toes led to further issues. After a few blood samples and more X-rays, they discovered another bone infection, so they finally removed the last toe in November 2017.

Victoria has now come to terms with what happened to her. How would you feel if this happened to you? 

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