Will J Sbu make it to the show on time?

Will J Sbu make it to the show on time?

It's #BikeToWorkDay and J Sbu decided he was in the mood for a challenge...

J Sbu biking
East Coast Radio

Bike To Work Day was created by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956 with the hopes of motivating people who were not sticking to their New Year's resolutions. You know those ones that would include losing weight, getting fit or being more healthy in general.

This morning on the Stacey and J Sbu team Whatsapp group, they were told that today is this Bike To Work Day and their producer decided to 

And so his journey began...

But as the minutes and hours went by, Stacey showed up at the ECR headquarters and asked everyone where J Sbu was.

Has he arrived yet? Do they know how far away from the studio he might be?


Stacey waiting for J Sbu
East Coast Radio

With only a few minutes to go before the show starts, Stacey and the rest of the team received the following voicenote:

Doesn't sound too bad right? Wrong.

Stacey had to start the show all by her lonesome but a few moments later with a very dramatic burst through the door, J Sbu emerged!

And he was looking... fine? 

He was a bit out of breath but other than that he appeared to be fine?

Stacey and J Sbu tired
East Coast Radio

What sorcery was this? He claimed that he had made it all the way from uShaka to East Coast Radio but the facts were not adding up in Stacey's mind.

Did he lie or did he try?

Take a listen to find out

Want to catch up on all your favourite duo's best moments? Listen to everything #StaceyAndJSbu below:

Main image courtesy of East Coast Radio

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