WATCH: Teething baby boy goes on attack mode when he latches on his mothers lower lip

WATCH: Teething baby boy goes on attack mode when he latches on his mothers lower lip

If you thought having a teething baby was fun then think again. This baby boy had clearly had enough of his teeth itching and decided to do something about it. 

A baby biting his mom on the mouth
Screenshot from video

Babies are such a blessing to have and they are certainly the cutest when they are especially young. The crawling, those loud and cute giggling moments, them starting to sound out words. It just melts your heart!

Read: “Please don’t irritate me, I’m holding this baby” - Baby Taylor

But then they also reach that time of their lives where they are teething which can be challenging for both mom and baby. They cry for everything and they latch on anything they can get their hands on to put into their mouth. 

In the video, shared on social media you can see the baby and the mother casually chilling having a great time, then all of sudden the baby latches on the mother's lower lip with the biggest grip. You hear the mother literally screaming to get the child off her. The baby boy is determined and is not backing down though. 

Watch the video below to decide for yourself:

People had different views about the video, read what Twitter had to say: 

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