WATCH: Mzansi LOLs at woman strolls by clan of hyenas

WATCH: Mzansi LOLs at woman strolls by clan of hyenas

Strutting into Monday like...

Mzansi woman struts by pack of hyena's
Mzansi woman struts by pack of hyena's/ TikTok

When you go on a walk what are you bound to see?

A cat, a bug or if you're lucky maybe a cool cloud. Well this brave lady 'accidentally' stumbled across a clan of hyenas on her walk.

SEE: Angelic "stretch marks" paint the skies of KZN

Needless to say, South Africa was in disbelief when they caught wind of this.

Watch this jaw-dropping video here: 

It becomes apparent in the video above that the hyenas were more scared of her.

The woman is spotted carrying firewood on her head and a jerrycan while walking past the hyenas at night, yet they seem completely unbothered. 

Mzansi was cackling after this unbelievable interaction. 

"Yoh, this woman is out here strutting through the scavengers," says one user. 


Read more on a man who was caught cuddling a cheetah: 

We all crave that feeling sometimes of physical touch, but this man took cuddling a cat to a whole new level.

Spooning with the fastest animal in the kingdom, this volunteer has taken the internet by storm when he used his furry, ferocious friend as a pillow.

Watch this viral moment below: 

Read More: OUTRAGE: "No grandmother should have to enter a drum to cross a river"- Maimane

This volunteer definitely got more than he bargained for when it came to "the cheetah experience".

The video was originally shared in 2019 and captures Dolph Volker's experience as a volunteer at a cheetah breeding centre. 

The cuddle buddies were named Juno and Gabriel.


Dolph was a volunteer at this breeding centre. His love for animals is simply incredible.

While most of us would quiver and run at the sight of these creatures, Dolph embraces them and all they have to offer.

This old video of the unconventional bond is going viral (again).

WATCH: Is that a python or a burglar in the pantry?

VIRAL: Oupa cuddling cheetahs is trending (again)
Oupa cuddling cheetahs is trending (again) / Dolph C. Volker

The cheetahs were seven years old at the time.

The video above depicts this precious moment and is further captioned: "Do Cheetahs Prefer Cold Hard Concrete Or Warm Blankets Pillow & A Friend?" 

This beautiful caption emphasises the unrequited love between the two beings.

Cuddling Cheetahs goes viral, Stacey and J Sbu
Oupa cuddling cheetahs is trending (again)/ Dolph C. Volker

So what's your take, would you dare to cuddle with a cheetah?

Read More: A colossal collision of a sloth and child while zip lining

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Main image attribute: TikTok - @survival_animals 

Image courtesy of Dolph C. Volker 

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