#StaceyAndJSbusBestBits: What really happened with #FindSimphiwe and more...

#StaceyAndJSbusBestBits: What really happened with #FindSimphiwe and more...

We've rounded up #StaceyAndJSbusBestBits from the past week just for you! So sit back, relax, and take a listen...

Stacey and JJ Sbu stressed
East Coast Radio

Looking to catch up on the best moments brought to you by your favourite Drive duo?

Well, this is the place to be!

We know that life happens and you might be disappointed because you have missed some of Stacey and J Sbu's best moments. But have no fear because every week we're rounding up all of the highlights and putting them in one place for your convenience!

So without any further ado let's jump into this week's best bits.

This week J Sbu accepted a major challenge - he was going to ride a bike to work.

He had a few hours to make his way from uShaka all the way to the ECR headquarters.

Was he going to make it to work on time? Take a listen to find:

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As per usual things on #TheFixer got serious as Serisha, a university student, confided in Stacey and J Sbu that she is two months pregnant.

While the pregnancy was unexpected, her boyfriend is going to help support her but there is one catch - her parents don't know about the baby.

Serisha is in desperate need of some advice and surprisingly enough, Stuart, another listener provided some truly insightful advice:

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The week came to a shocking end when a story of a young woman rocked the entire country.

#FindSimphiwe began trending when she frantically posted on social media that she had been hijacked and was stuck in her boot.

People were trying to find her but one day later new facts came to light that turned the whole story around:

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Want to catch up on all your favourite duo's best moments? Listen to everything #StaceyAndJSbu below:

Main image courtesy of East Coast Radio

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