Smash-and-grab alert: Keep yourself safe this holiday season

Smash-and-grab alert: Keep yourself safe this holiday season

Smash-and-grab crimes are rising. We’ve found some tips to help you avoid becoming a target.

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Smash and grab stock image / iStock

Motorists across South Africa are being urged to exercise caution as smash-and-grab crimes increase, especially at busy intersections and during heavy traffic. 

These crimes, where criminals shatter vehicle windows to snatch valuables, are a growing concern, particularly as the holiday season approaches.

How smash-and-grab crimes happen

Typically, these incidents happen when vehicles are stationary at red lights, in traffic, or at stop streets. Perpetrators rely on moments of distraction, such as when drivers use their phones, eat or leave their windows open. 

Valuables like cellphones, handbags, and shopping bags left in plain sight make vehicles prime targets.

Safety authorities and organisations, such as Tracker, warn that the festive season, especially during Black Friday and Christmas shopping, sees a rise in these crimes. Shoppers leaving their purchases visible on car seats increase their vulnerability to theft.

What authorities and experts advise

While law enforcement agencies conduct patrols and use surveillance to deter these crimes, officials emphasise that motorists must take responsibility for their own safety. Keeping doors locked, windows closed, and valuables hidden is crucial, reports BusinessTech.

Distractions are a major factor, making drivers easy targets. Drivers are urged to stay attentive and avoid using their phones, even during brief stops. 

Authorities recommend securing all valuables in the vehicle’s boot and being mindful of surroundings, particularly in traffic hotspots.

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East Coast Drive / ECR Images


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